We have completed the homework portion of the class and covered a majority of the readings, so it is time to start finalizing plans for the project. In Assignment 5, you started thinking about ideas, and in Assignment 6 you explored these ideas a little bit in terms of their novelty and applicability. You now will form a team and build your refined proposal. You have the last month-and-a-half of class to complete the final project, but we would like for you to be able to get started as soon as possible once November begins.
Write a paragraph describing your project proposal. You should discuss what you want to do, why you want to do it, and how you plan to accomplish it. Roughly, this corresponds to the idea, the motivation, and the project plan. If you need more than a paragraph, that is fine, but if you need only a few sentences to describe each, a paragraph is sufficient.
At the end, state whether you are working alone or on a team, and if you are on a team, list the team members.
Post this proposal to your blog by the due date. Only one member of each team needs to post the proposal itself, but if you are a team member, you should create a post that links to the team's proposal and states your intention to work on the project.
If you need help forming a team, a spreadsheet has been placed in the class drive. I encourage team leaders who have an idea post their name and a short summary of their idea to this spreadsheet. That will help you find members, since those who are looking for a team are encouraged to sign up in the team slots that interest them. We can finalize teams some time next week; this is just to help get your ideas out there and express your interests.
Obtaining Credit
You should have a blog post corresponding to Assignment 7 by the due date. You need either a project proposal or a link to a project proposal stating that you are working on that team.
Due Date
Nov. 7, Monday @ Midnight
25% deducted per day late
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