Saturday, November 12, 2016

Readings 18 to 25 - Project Readings

We have now completed the assigned readings portion of the course.  At this point, you should turn your attention to your final project and focus on finding reading materials to strengthen your work and project report.  To further this goal, all future reading assignments are self-directed.

Project Readings
You should select 8 papers related to your project and blog about them.  You may reuse some of the papers you explored in Assignment 6.  If your project plan has changed or your find more relevant works to include, you are encouraged to select those as well.

If you are on a team, it will be beneficial to find different papers than your teammates.  This is because your final report requires a minimum number of citations based on your team size and having the readings done for the blog assignment will simplify this task so long as each person has read their own papers.

Due Dates
The standard reading schedule is not impacted by the shift to project readings.  You will continue to post summaries to your blogs by Sundays; the only difference is that the readings are no longer pre-selected and you must choose your own.  The 8 project readings correspond directly to the typical M/W/F schedule we have been following for assigned readings.  The timeline is as follows:

11/11, 11/14, 11/16 (Readings 18, 19, and 20) due 11/20
11/18, 11/21, 11/23 (Readings 21, 22, and 23) due 11/27
11/28, 11/30 (Readings 24 and 25) due 12/04

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