Saturday, September 3, 2016

Assignment 4 - Persketchtivity Usage and Analysis

Following on the previous assignment in which you completed a tutorial in Mechanix, you will be using another live educational sketching tool: Persketchtivity.  This software should be much easier to use because it is available online, has automatic lesson progression, and only consists of drawing simple shapes.  After using Persketchtivity, you will be asked to once again write about your impressions in a list of "Do's and Don'ts of Sketch Recognition Systems, Part 2".

First, you should complete the steps below to gain some experience using Persketchtivity.
  1. Go to to access the main Persketchtivity log in page.
  2. Return to the User ID spreadsheet that you used to log in to Mechanix.  Your user id is the same for Persketchtivity.  Once again, note that the password and user name are equal.
  3. Complete the available lessons.  This consists of four different primitive shape lessons and a few 3D shapes and combos.  Many of the lessons have sub modules, but all of the exercises are small and should not take much time to complete.
Next, you must write a short post on your blog about the "Do's and Don'ts of Sketch Recognition Systems, Part 2".  Specifically, list at least 5 aspects of Persketchtivity which you liked as the "Do's" and list at least 5 aspects of Persketchtivity which you disliked as the "Don'ts".  These aspects may refer to the usability of the system, design of the interface, or any other observation relevant to sketch recognition software in some way.  You may present the lists as bullets or paragraphs, but there should be 10 distinct observations clearly contributed in the post.

Obtaining Credit
Your submissions will automatically be visible to us on the instructor side, so you do not need to submit any certificate or problem solutions to show that you completed the lessons.  However, we need to know who is who, so you must use the user name provided in the spreadsheet.  Remember the user name and passwords are the same.

To obtain credit for the "Do's and Don'ts of Sketch Recognition Systems, Part 2", ensure you have posted your 10 observations (5 do's and 5 don'ts) to your blog.  This should be the same blog you provided a link to on the spreadsheet provided with Assignment 2.

Due Date
This assignment should be submitted in two parts.  It should be completely finished by Monday Sep. 5, but the Persketchtivity exercises should be done by class on Monday Sep. 2.

Persketchtivity Exercises
Sep. 5, Monday @ 11:30 AM
Only excused late submissions (e.g. late enrollment)
Consider this as a sort of "checkpoint" so that we can ensure everyone has gained familiarity with Persketchtivity and address any problems that arise before the blog assignment is due that night.

"Do's and Don'ts of Sketch Recognition Systems, Part 2" Blog Post
Sep. 5, Monday @ Midnight
25% deducted per day late
This is when the second "Do's and Don'ts" list should be posted on your blog.

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